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Call for Workshop Expressions of Interest - Opens 4 November

The call for expressions of interest (EOI) to host workshops as part of the Preventive Health Conference 2025 (PHC25) will open on Monday 4 November 2024 and close on Tuesday 4 February 2025.


​Workshops may include invited speakers, papers, and panels.  The structure of workshops is not fixed, and proposers may design it as they think best.  Proposers are responsible for defining the full contents of the Workshop, namely the authors and presenters.

Workshop proposals should be submitted via the online Workshop EOI portal, available below.  Proposers should provide information on the Title, Duration, Motivation and Background, Structure, and associated Technical Programme Committee. Additional information on previous editions or promotion plans can also be provided, if applicable.


All participants and speakers in the Workshops, regardless of the nature of their presentation, including organisers, must pay the registration fee. Workshop organisers are offered 1 or 2 One Day Registration (R-3-O), respectively, for a half- or full-day Workshop, being up to them to decide who’ll benefit from these free registrations.

All presenters must register at the time of confirming their acceptance of the workshop and pay the conference registration fee.


More Information

For further information contact the PHAA Events Team on:



T: 02 6171 1312

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